The idea
Making chewing gum that will not hurt the environment. To show people how bad it is to throw your gum on the ground, we first made a little advertisement. To show that there is also a different way when it comes to using chewing gum.
To also make the children aware of the fact that chewing gum can really hurt the environment, we decided to also make a little children book that can be used as story tell book. A fun way to learn about environment and chewing gum.
As last, we also wanted a way to sell the chewing gum. To also make this environment friendly, we decided to make a popup store from used bricks and mostly reuse products to show the products with.
Our brand book
In this book you can find everything about Green Bubble. For example, why we choose for a pink bubble in stead of a green one. But also, where we stand for, how we are going to bring the Green Bubble chewing gum to the 'chewers' and the extra products we make.
~Tap here to read the green bubbles children book~
The children book
We wanted to also make children see what chewing gum does to the environment. We decided that a story tell book would fit best. The idea was to really reach the young children who don't really get what the environment means, so around the age of 5 till 10.
As the head character, we came up with Tommy. A little boy that finds the chewing gum monster who feels thrown away. Together they go on a adventure to find a way to let the chewing gum monster feel accepted again.
~Tap on the picture of Tommy and the Chewing gum monster and you will get to see the childrensbook~
The shop
The idea behind the shop was inspired by the chewing gum. The round way it's build is a reference to the chewing gum and to nature (a tree). The glass containers on the walls are placed on a special hight, so that children younger than 6 can't put their hands by the containers. This makes getting your kids hand getting stuck in it impossible. But, to still make them able to get their free candy, there are small chewing gum machines, specially designed for kids, on the sides of the counters. With a small press on the button, a special designed chewing gum ball rolls out. These are also specially designed for the kids so that they can't choke on it.
For the rest, on the counters is where you can find the children book also. The pop-up shop will be placed in busy places where many kids, people and chewing gum spit on the ground is found. This makes people even more aware of the fact that chewing gum is hurting the environment and that Green Bubbly is the solution.

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